Private Colleges Email List & Mailing Database
K12 Lists offers you one of the most exhaustive and comprehensive private colleges email list and mailing addresses available today. This database consists of private colleges, their contact information, geographical location and a host of other details. Our databases are updated regularly and contain information which is difficult to come by commonly.
The contact details of the person to contact are available matched against the college they represent. Details such as email addresses, designation, and physical address, time of contact, mode of contact, fax numbers and board line numbers are available. It contains detailed information of the colleges, their area of expertise, number of students, faculty and other information which you can use effectively. Targeted email and direct marketing are easier with the Private Colleges Database, allowing for higher strike rates and faster responses. The segmentation and categories available are the highest in the industry. This gives you a lot of options for running campaigns effectively.
Give us a call to learn more about the details of this list and how we can help you in using them effectively.